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Airblast supplied Vacuum Blast Machines to Ship Building Industry

Of the many industries involved in surface preparation the ship building and repair sector is one of the most demanding. After testing different technologies from various manufacturers one shipyard focusing on new-builds became frustrated by a lack of performance coupled with high initial investment costs. One email to Airblast set in motion a chain of communication which identified the perfect technical solution which was also cost effective – vacuum blasting…


The AB1070 Vacuum Blast Machines can be used to clean flat surfaces, weld seams, profiles and inside & outside corners of steel constructions. The AB1070 is very efficient and effective, easy to use, versatile and powerful and can conduct totally dust free environmentally friendly blasting because of zero dust contamination on the job site. Also the low operation cost due to the use of steel abrasive as well as close control of the surface preparation was a great benefit.



Following the identification of the correct equipment Airblasts experience ensured a very high level of support to the shipyard - operation and maintenance training were instrumental in the smooth and safe start-up.

The Airblast Group has more than 40 years experience in offering Surface Treatment Solutions. Airblast equipment is used in some of the World’s harshest environments in industries as diverse as Metal & Steel Construction, Shipbuilding, Petrochemical, Oil & Gas, Wind Energy and more.


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